
Spare Parts Service


Spare parts service

A new ambitious project has enabled AMADA to be even more efficient and responsive in supplying parts. During the year, the ”Amada European Part Centre” was established in Paris
Centralising parts at a European level makes it possible to increase the number of parts in stock and speed up warehouse re-assortment, to cover customer needs better and more quickly.
AMADA parts are essential to our success; their quality, plus the professional expertise of our engineers, means we can considerably reduce machine downtimes.

At the same time as the European warehouse was set up, AMADA Italia decided to reorganise its own "Parts" department, allocating an expert parts operator to each geographic area, able to support technical staff in the field. Direct assistance and an extensive network further improve the efficiency of AMADA's service. Customers' parts orders are usually managed a few hours after being entered in the system. For more urgent, short-term requests, a portal will be made available to end users, to manage orders on a 24-hour basis and guarantee a quick delivery service.

Spare parts

  • +39 0523 8721120


Spare Parts Replacement Request

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