Awarded - AMADA EU


Precision Sheet Metal Technology Fair


Prizes are awarded from The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Minstry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kanagawa Prefectural Government, Japan Vocational Ability Development Association, The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd., The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, and Amada Co., Ltd.,etc.

The ceremony is held at AMADA FORUM every year.

36th awards winners

Precision Sheet Metal Technology Fair - the results.

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The 35th Precision Sheet Metal Technology Fair award ceremony held at AMADA HALL in Isehara city, Kanagawa, March 18th 2023.
The total number of entries were 215. And overseas participation of entries were 77.

35th awards winners

See also the previous awards...

34th awards winners

33rd awards winners

32nd awards winners

Previous awards