Modern Slavery - AMADA EU

AMADA Modern Slavery Act Statement 2024


We, Amada United Kingdom Limited (“Amada UK”), are a part of the global Amada Group of Companies, with our parent company’s head office in Japan. Amada UK has an annual turnover in excess of £36m hence we are required to publish an annual statement detailing our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our primary activity is the distribution of Amada sheet metal machinery and the service of the same. A vast majority of our supply chain is within the Amada group, in particular Amada factories in Japan and France. As a group of companies, we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and are committed to upholding the principles encompassed in the Modern Slavery Act 2015. You can find our Management Philosophy and Corporate Code of Conduct here. The rights and responsibilities of Amada UK staff are documented in our Anti-slavery and Whistle-blowing policies. Our expectations of our suppliers are documented in our terms and conditions of purchase.

We regularly assess risk related to issues of human trafficking, modern slavery and forced labour and conduct internal auditing as to whether such risk lies within our supply chain and take any step required to prevent human trafficking, modern slavery and so forth in terms of compliance with the Modern Slavery Act. In 2023 Amada UK commemorated Anti-Slavery Day by raising awareness of the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking. This included providing useful information on modern slavery in our internal newsletter. During the same period Amada UK invested in a new e-learning platform which has enabled us to expand our internal modern slavery training programme to all our staff. All modern slavery training will be mandatory, first on joining the company and then repeated on an annual basis. The annual retraining of staff will support knowledge retention and ongoing awareness.

As part of our ongoing commitment to helping eradicate modern slavery we continued to assess all our suppliers during the period 2023/24 rather than just focusing on perceived higher risk areas. A collaborative approach is key to mitigating such activities and we actively engage with all our suppliers regardless of where they are in their modern slavery journey. We also liaise with other Amada Group companies to ensure that their suppliers are monitored regularly in respect of compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.

No instances or indicators of modern slavery were found or reported during the financial year. This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for our financial year ending 31st March 2024. The board of directors of Amada United Kingdom Limited delegated approval of this statement on its behalf to a nominated Director, at its board meeting on TBC.

Alan Parrott 

Amada United Kingdom Limited
Date: 2nd July 2024




Financial Year 2022/23 Statement 

Financial Year 2021/22 Statement

Financial Year 2020/21 Statement 

Financial Year 2019/20 Statement

Financial Year 2018/19 Statement 

Financial Year 2017/18 Statement